Friday the 24th December i had no clue what all is going to happen today, to which place i might visit. But i just knew Jeruselam as a normal city which is a sacred place for christans. but this place is much more than that. Lot of history has gone in this. I have never seen a indian city with such a long history still alive.
So let me start through the things that i have seen today.
This is my first trip in israel and i was so exited to go to this place and discover what it is.
My taxi driver Shoki . I felt he is much more than a taxi driver at Tel-Aviv. to his profession he is much more qualified in history. Or i just get a feeling that is this the case with all israelies, is every one so much educated about the history?
anyway thats not my interest, but i thank him and appreciate his work today.
Lets start straight away,
We left Arbel appartment at 8.30am. from Tel-Aviv it took us about 1 hour to reach the jeruselam, on tha way to jeruselam shoki told us lot of story about the city and king david, cruelness of germans, Why jeruselam is so much popular etc etc. I have a story below that says what happened thousands of yrs ago..
Lets go 70 yrs back to see what happened.
There is a holy caust museum which explains the cruelness of this maniac who killed millions of jews ppl around the europe and midle east.
This museum has the painfull and sad pictures , videos and remainings of those people who died 70 years back just because they were jews they were killed without reasons and jealous because they were in high positions in europe..
Shoki told that every Govt official who comes to israel will be brought here and then to the other places of israel. I guess after seeing this museum even hitler will put tears for jews.
The experience in that museum was horrifying and terrible,
The pictures shown include, how the germans use to kill the jews for no reason,
there were some methods they used to distinguish bw germans and jews as they could not differentiate by their colour.
1. they issued jews a yellow star like ribbon to wear on dress, if they did not find it on them they use to kill.
2. they had some made some instrunments like scale to measure the size of nose & head, if its big
they are jews, and some other methods too, by this way they issued star ribbon too.
so let me tell you the ways they used to kill the people
They gathered all jews inside one area and built compound around it, it is called ghetto. And no one should cross this area and come inside city, there use to be a fence at 1mt distance and a soldier use to be guarding.
As per pictures, they use to send their kids to go and collect the food and use to survive, many people have died due to hunger in the ghetto.
and another major tragic method they used is , once they said to all jews that they would provide jobs and let them live happily and took every one in a train to some remote place,
there they use to take all these people to one room and make them naked and drop their luggage then take them to a room with fully crowded, and they let the poisonous gas(Ziklon which is kept in museum) open and every one dies, later they take all their dead bodies and burn it. this is done so systematically that no one use to have any doubt at all and also there would be no surviovrs. one reason why they did is that they did not want to leave any clue to the next batch of people who come there. moreover the jews never burn their body, they always bury it, but it was all done against it.
(this whole act is demonstrated very nicely by making a model and have some old pictures)
and in some case there are pictures shown that they use to make people to dig a long streatch of land similar like water canals, and they use to make ppl stand on edge of it and they were shot on their back of head and they are straight into the hole.
3 religions are fighting for this city
Jewish : due to holy wall,
Christans : due to the jesus's grave or crucification place
Muslims: due to the golden mosque built thousands of yrs ago.
A short story about connection b/w muslim & jeruslm, bcz no one would know this at all.
around 3000 years ago there was a king david who purchased a land of jeruselam from an arabic king and built this city, and he was a big follower of god and god loved him too, by seeing his loyelness to god, god told him that his sons will continue to rule.
His son solomon was also the kind of guy who believed in god so much, one day god came in his dream and told him to build a temple. so he decided to build a temple in the place of jeruselam's mountain.
so after few years babylonians invaded the city and destroyed the temple. aftrer some years the jews again built the second temple in the same place. this temple lasted long for hundreds of years. When romans invaded the city they temple was again destroyed and left like that.
After some years again muslims conquered the pace and the king ummayad who gave orders to build the muslim mosque in the same place, it was built. So this is the reason why it is sacred for muslims.
But here the jews believe that the second jews temple was destroyed except the outer walls surrounding the temple. so they pray this wall which is facing east. it is the most sacred place like mecca for muslims to jews too. they come and pray to this wall.
interesting fact here is the same wall is still the outer wall of mosque and there is no entrance from this side of city to mosque, you have to go all the way from other side to reach, and only muslims are allowed, no other tourists are allowed.
One more interesting fact is there about this wall, though the wall lets say is about 100mts they pray only for 60mts, as they believe in those days when it was built it was built by poor people who did not had money to donate to build the temple, they said they will do their contribution from their hands. so even today that wall is little different looking than the rest. so they divided this wall into half for men and women on each side and pray there.
This is the story why it is sacred for jews and muslims,
and i need not say about the 3rd religion chritistians at all. it is the place where jesus was crucified and his dead body was burried. there is a church below the mountain from where he was brought to crucify too. Its tomb made of gold plating looks like disney land.
Thanks to Shoki for explaining me the story in so much detail,,, i would never forget him.