Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Most confusing last working day mail i ever seen. Never dared to read it till end

Look at the way the mail starrts and in between you might ask "me kaun hu , kaha hu"... Because the mail has such an effect on readers..

Caution to readers: read at your own risk.... :-)

This mail is composed by a uncle looking crazy (unfortunately an uvce'ian) on friday 22/10/10
I can understand how happy he must have felt after stepping out of SISO...

least but not the last

Alas!! and atlast. It's been hell of a ride for three long years. I couldnt have written a long story short, so Am writing a short story long.

It all started on the great day of most of our batch mates' freshers life. Fresh out of college, embarking on a journey of life of a software professional. Should it become life of a boring software engineer or boring life of a software engineer, was upto the fate on the same date.

Life is mixed with mixture of all the known emotions. MOst of the things are remembered and more of more of it are often forgotten. But, this is life of multihued surroundings and multitudes of attitudes.

First things first. My first company for my first job, First (taxable)salary(technically speaking, along with the pay slip), first professional induction, training and first mini project.(ofcourse not first love in the comp, luckily to scanty quantity and meager quality and changing policies).
My first major ligament tears. First corporate tournaments. Humdrumns of completing most of the things on last days due to our procrastinating nature. Things work in the ways it has to be and not in the way we want it to be with difference of opinion. Often, with sweet things said in bitter ways, and bitter things sounding sweet sometimes, but this is life agian making it undulating with full of emotional emotions. Yes, ofcourse, there are highs and lows, but this is all natural and change is intrincsic part of it. There were days of joy, days of frustration, of somber mundane tasks, nightouts, team outings, meeting, breaks, incessant talks, chatterings, and yet who can forget the gossips and rumours among the truths. Technically discussions offhand and work at hand kept some busy hours really busy, but time was also made out for tasks other than those assigned. All in all, it's been mix of mixings of mixtures.

I would always remember my first company not just because of technical work, or more technically speaking the pay slips, but because of the bonding developed in this kind of developing atmostphere. Thanks to all you guys(gals, no offence, it was meant in neuter gender) for making it a comforting stay amidst not so comforting times, sometimes. And certainly siso rocks in some ways more than being normal-branding it sometimes, the unique one with more abnormalities and uncertainities amidst irregular regularities.

Thanks to all the guys who knowingly or unknowingly helped me or wanted to help me or atleast had thought of giving a helping hand. Thanks to all those of the office guys, without which , most of the things would have been difficult. Thanks to CA, DA, PA and those related to finance for supporting me financially and for sending regular parments to account even though with our erregular natre of work. Thans to all those whom I have interacted with personally, or professionally thro email or gmail for making it a more memorable experiences throughtout.

Last, but nevertheless least, thanks to all those and sorry for more of most of those, for bearning me by hearning me to my incessant talks where I would have literally tortured an enthusiastic spirit or would have devoured the last remanants of thinking capacity in some of the feeble minded creatures called homos(apiens). And, thanks for bearing all the glib talks with chitters and chatters, and those involving hints of sarcasm and tinge of ravisms.

I would also like to thank my Managers, and superiors, friends, team mates, other team mates, guys and gals, brothers and their sisters, all those who made these 3 and more years interesting for me. Thanks to those who provided me the opportunity for thriving in this place and to make the most out of it. I once again thank all for their generosity and patience shown towards me .
Sorry, taking names would make this a long list with rather long story with too many characters. . So for brevity and conciseness, I belong to CMC-team.
Thanks to all those office boys, admin guys, finance team, HR team and others.

To make this a more interesting one to read: here it goes. (convert, in the para for girl=guy and he= she. for those with difference of opinions)

well, if a girl is not interested, then she certainly isnt interested, if at all she is interested then she porbably will let know of the fact that she is interested.(guys, dont try this while team excercieses) The fact that she is interested is provided by the fact that she too is interested and that her interst in this kind of interest is interesting enough to get guys interest in this interest, and reap the interest that this interest provides in the form of the interest.(Going for snack, or coffee outside of office hours, ofcourse not dutch) However, its well evident that to arouse the interest of the girl, and make her interest get more interesting and turn that fact towards the guys interest so that both the interest matches the fact that both are interested in each others interests, something interesting should happen so that it becomes interesting to them to see the interest in each others interest.(give a complicated bug and put the interested parties involved in that) Well, its not compound interest, as we would have been made to assume now, but its just that its complicated interest, which is made even more complicated by more interesting facts revealed not very often in mundane manner, but with eloquent silence, spoken by eyes that could have met and matched only with the two parties involved.(Statutory Caution : dont break the news of marriage or enagagement in middle of bugs, or debugs)

Note: Please to all those and sorry for not so to please these those. Weekends are ending days of the week where people enjoy or relax, unwind or complete their circle of naps or meeting with the chaps. These need not be devoured in coming to the same old building often visited during the weekdays. S, have the weekends to themselves by not interrupting their privacy or plans or with unnecessay debugs or tests... Given such a scenario, would ask for freedom from fiefdom.

Thank you for being a patient reader reading rather impatiently.

Thanks to all the bigwigs for providing me the opportunity, and those being big but without wigs for making this a comfortable place for staying here all the time(including days and nites), and those with wigs, but not big for making it a lively and enthusiastic environ where ppl thrive and enjoy the niceties(and also coffee,teas) of(in) life

Havent got the signatures on most of the mentioned list. So, lets c if I could set the new record to get it within today and within this evening. 

With Regards,

there is second mail

Sorry for all those, and to read this again,
Its just small info rather.

XXXX MALE id --- XXXXX.zombie@gmail.com --->Look at that mail-id. He is definetly a zombie
Unofficially given official id --- XXXXXX@rediffmail.com

Please do keep in E-touch, or G(mail)- touch.
Yes finally I managed to get most of the signature done within record time(less than half an hour)
Thanks again to all the GA,PA, DA, guys, HR, finance(not yet got the signature ),assets, admin(thankfully, they would be the last guys to sign, so sending this mail). And office guys(to take my pc later)

Thanks to one and all.

With Regards,
XXXXXX(name changed)

I just want to comment on one last line
"Yes finally I managed to get most of the signature done within record time(less than half an hour)"--->
It is very obvious that everyone would have read mail before you approach them for signature. and they dint want to waste much time in sending you out.. so you got your job done in record time boss..you are very innocent aa....

I hope thier team mates would be relieved after seeing his Final day mail...
I wish him "Get well soon"
ಇದೆಲ್ಲದರ ನಡುವೆ ನಮಗೆ ಮೂಡುವ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ "ಹೀಗೂ ಉಂಟೇ????"

what did you feel after reading